posted in: Monthly News

The Angel Project Needs Your Help

The Holiday Season will be upon us quickly!!!  This year W.O.W. has partnered with four very deserving local charities:  CHILD ADVOCACY – Your donation will be used to buy gift cards to be distributed by the Center for clients who need meals, clothing or other essentials.  CHILDREN’S PLACE – Your donation will go to provide winter essentials, such as socks, shoes, and coats to children who have adversity in their lives.  NORTH AIKEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – Your donation will go towards filling backpacks with school supplies, clothing, and toiletries for needy students.  SENIOR LIFE SERVICES – Your money will go to provide Christmas gifts to deserving clients.  These gifts may include clothing, toiletries, and special food treats.
Send your check made out to W.O.W. to:  Julie Brozowski or Margie Robertson.  You may note your charity preference on the check.  In order to maximize the buying power of your donation, the agency staff will shop for the requested gift items.  If you want to help with the shopping, call Julie or Margie and we’ll get you temporary elf status!  Santa’s helpers are already out there looking for deals, so please send your check now.

Technology Tip – Did you know…..
….. That you can actually keep your growing list of passwords in a manageable and SECURE place?  Refer to the October 8th email containing how to accomplish this.
Password not working for the website’s MEMBERS LOGIN  ? 
Refer to the October 4th email containing instructions for access with the new password.
Blood Drive – October 10th
Shepeard Blood Organization’s mobile unit will be located in The Village. To schedule your October 10th appointment, click on the link https://donor.shepeardblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/28919.  
Thank you for helping others!
Fall Luncheon – October 21st
Don’t Forget to sign up!  For information, please refer to the September 17th email sent to all members.


W.O.W.’s Annual Event to Raise Funds for Golden Harvest Food Bank in Aiken :: Thursday, Oct 27th and Friday, Oct 28th at Woodside Main Gate, East Gate & Village Gate.
Here’s your chance to get creative or bring out your favorite costume to wear for a few hours as we collect monetary donations at the three gates to donate 100% to this worthy cause.  Volunteers are still needed so grab a neighbor or friend to cover a 2 hour shift on either or both days above.  Please contact Jane Buege to participate.