Winter Luncheon
The W.O.W. Winter Luncheon will be held on February 11th. The keynote speaker is Jane Jenkins Herlong, an American humorist, author, speaker and the winner of the Miss South Carolina 1979 pageant. Click Flyer Winter Luncheon for more information.
Tra$h and Trea$ure
This event is scheduled for Saturday, March 26th at Odell Weeks Activity Center. Your trash is somebody’s treasure! W.O.W members rent tables and sell gently loved goods to Aiken residents. This is one of the most sought after and well attended events on the Aiken Event Calendar! New this year will be a W.O.W. table for those of us who don’t have enough treasures for our own individual table. All proceeds from the W.O.W. table will be donated to the Cumbee Center. To rent a table or volunteer, call, text or email Donna Roasa at 623-302-3297
Spelling Bee
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 27th 6:00pm to 9:00pm at The Reserve Club. Join the FUN: A silent auction, light appetizers, cash bar and other surprises await the audience. Tables seat eight – reserve your group’s table early and cheer on your favorite speller! John Malloy will emcee this event of spellers who have committed to raise $1500.00 each for their charity. This event will also include a night of donations and a silent auction. You will not want to miss this event – make your reservations today! Click HERE for credit card payment or Click HERE for check remittance.
Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon
Scheduled for May 20th. Details to follow.